Tuesday, September 7, 2010

my first bitch-fest, I think…

These past couple of days have been a little rough. I just came back from a great trip to the West with my host fam. I was able to hang out with a lot of my friends for a nice little farewell to summer. Of course, leaving sucked because I probably won’t see any of them anytime soon. What made it worse though was that all of Georgia lost power and what should have been a 7 hour train ride turned into 13. Not to mention the whole getting stuck in the car next to screaming, bratty kids.

Now, It seems that I’m sick once again with another stomach bug. I feel as if I’ve been sick off and on with something ever since I arrived in country. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a total baby when I’m sick. I hate going to doctors, taking medicine, being hot, and anyone doting on me, other than my mom. All I want is a nice sit-down flush toilet where I can take a magazine or book and relax without worrying about a spider or roach crawling on or around me. Or in this case go into a bathroom that doesn't make me even more nauseous than I already am.

Then, last night, I awoke to 3 bats flying around in my room. Freaking creeped me out! I have pretty much overcome my fear of spiders and other creepy crawlers. I even killed a scorpion at Laura’s with no hesitation, but a BAT! What the hell do I do with that? Now, I’ll have to sleep with the curtains closed, which keeps out all the air! I completely agree with Ace Ventura. "Damn you devil birds!"

This morning, I went to school for the first time since camp. It’s still under construction and I’m wondering if it will even be ready for when school starts on the 15th. Also, there will be NO toilets, which was probably the thing I was looking forward to the most about the renovations and starting school (shitty and repetitive, I know, but you get excited about using a outhouse all the time). So now, if I want/need to use the facilities when I’m at school, I have the choice of probably one of the most disgusting outhouses that I’ve experienced in country, or walking 20 minutes to my house.

The rest of my day was spent sulking in my room. I’ve put on my game-face for my host family and ate some oatmeal with some brown sugar (from America) and then some soup for lunch. For the remainder of the day I watched the rest of the Glee episodes Jen gave me, ate some sweet-tarts (dreading that they’re almost out), and slept. All I really want is MY bed, with it’s soft sheets and fluffy normal sized pillow, a warm bath in my bathroom with a toilet surrounded by scented candles, a big glass pitcher of sweet tea, some of my dad’s guacamole, some of my mom’s lasagna, a nice night out with friends, and a good cuddle with my doggie.

So it’s not really even that bad. Just a little homesick because I’m sick…(I warned I was a baby). At least school’s starting and I’ll have stuff to do on a daily basis and I won’t be caught up in feeling sorry for myself. So that’s that for now.

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